9) Conclusions

What is the best way for feed-hunting?
We have asked this to maximum experts; here suggests from Stanley Cassidy:

"Beh, can say this: previous obvious consideration that nobody is born "learned" (as usually tell in Italy) and that I sincerely believe also for first to have to learn so much in the boundless world of feedhunting, the first thing account when it is had to whether to do with feeds (both if you are at beginnings, or more skill level) is to have not one strong and not even a notable but an Endless patience.
Personally before venturing me in the feedhunting have been more than one year in rigorous silence written on the forums, trying to absorb as a sponge wherever I was able to draw the elements (and the rudiments) for this activity.
I believe that this search gets sharper trying and retrying, and above all being wrong: it is from the errors and from the humility to learn that he improves.
Try to draw all possible indications (studying the feeds recurrences, "reading" identifies value, "accustoming you" to certain providers). Scannings and database are purely individual: some mine colleagues search one satellite at a time (on the escort of the frequencies that have decided to memorize or through the receiver type). I scan also through the receiver; easier if visualizing bar signal gets up.  It depends from you and from the time that you want to devote.
With the experience you will realize that the time is subjective for whoever!".

We prefer not to add other. Please us our FORUM for yours doubt and for every explanation.

Big Big Thanks to Stanley Cassidy and Gingy that have contributed with their great suggest, their tips and notable quantity of technical information to editing of this guide that we wish is of your pleasure.


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What are "feeds"?
2) Feed Archive
3) Requirement
4) Hunting?

5) Direct insertion
6) Charts based search
7) Blind search

8) Feed in 4:2:2 format and encrypted
9) Conclusions