Salve, ho corretto la porta come indicato il risultato del log è quello che segue e ovvimanete non riesco ancora a vedere i canali s k y.
Ho cercato di coprire con la dicitura OMISSIS dati forse sensibili. Speriamo bene
Grazie per un aiuto.
19:49:38: cardclients: registering cardclient Camd35
19:49:39: systems: registering CA system Cardclient, pri -15, ident 1000
19:49:39: cardclients: registering cardclient Feynman
19:49:39: cardclients: registering cardclient Gbox
19:49:39: cardclients: registering cardclient Newcamd
19:49:39: cardclients: registering cardclient Radegast
19:49:39: systems: registering CA system SC-Irdeto, pri -10, ident 1001
19:49:39: feature: using feature SMARTCARD
19:49:39: registering Irdeto smartcard (id OMISSIS)
19:49:39: systems: registering CA system SC-Seca, pri -10, ident 1002
19:49:39: registering Seca smartcard (id OMISSIS)
19:49:39: systems: registering CA system SC-Viaccess, pri -10, ident 1003
19:49:39: registering Viaccess smartcard (id OMISSIS)
19:49:39: ACamd v0.5.0.9
19:49:39: loaders: registering loader KEY
19:49:39: Engine MD-API
19:49:39: ** registered systems:
19:49:39: ** SC-Viaccess (pri -10)
19:49:39: ** SC-Seca (pri -10)
19:49:39: ** SC-Irdeto (pri -10)
19:49:39: ** Cardclient (pri -15)
19:49:39: loading cardclient config from C:\Programmi\DVBViewer\MDPlugins\cardclient.conf
19:49:39: 1584/031BAEC8: clear
19:49:39: 1584/031BAEEC: clear
19:49:39: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
19:49:39: hostname=localhost port=15050 emm=1 emmCaids 0919/ffff
19:49:39: Newcamd: username=dummy password=dummy key=OMISSIS
19:49:39: netwatch up
19:49:39: Netwatcher thread started (tid=OMISSIS)
19:49:39: connecting to localhost:15050/tcp (
19:49:39: socket: connect failed: No error
19:49:39: netwatch down
19:49:39: init of cardclient 'newcamd' failed
19:49:39: file 'C:\Programmi\DVBViewer\MDPlugins\cardclient.conf' has error in line 'newcamd:localhost:15050:1/0919/ffff:dummy:dummy:OMISSIS'
19:49:39: created 0 client(s)
19:49:39: COM2: open serial port
19:49:39: COM2: set DTR/RTS
19:49:39: COM2: init done
19:49:39: smartcards: added serial port COM2 as port 0 (normal CD, normal RESET, CLOCK 6000000)
19:49:39: SmartcardWatcher thread started (tid=52149584)
19:49:39: 0: new card inserted
19:49:39: COM2: set serial options: 9600,8e2
19:49:40: 0: reseting card (sermode 8e2)
19:49:40: COM2: toggle RTS, now on
19:49:40: COM2: toggle RTS, now off
19:49:40: 0: indirect convention detected
19:49:40: 0: atr decoding TS=OMISSIS
19:49:40: 0: historical: OMISSIS
19:49:41: 0: historical: '3..i.JPp..IT...
19:49:41: 0: atr checksum not given/not required
19:49:41: 0: indicated wwt(T0)=595 ms, bwt(T1)=952 ms (at 6.0000 MHz)
19:49:41: 0: PTS cycle: calculated baudrate 64516
19:49:41: 0: specific mode Tspec=0
19:49:41: serial: unsupported baudrate 64516
19:49:41: 0: setting baudrate 64516 failed
19:49:41: 0: reseting card (sermode 8e2)
19:49:41: COM2: toggle RTS, now on
19:49:41: COM2: toggle RTS, now off
19:49:41: 0: byte mode not supported 0x00
19:49:41: 0: reset/atr error
19:49:42: COM2: set serial options: 9600,8o2
19:49:42: 0: reseting card (sermode 8o2)
19:49:42: COM2: toggle RTS, now on
19:49:42: COM2: toggle RTS, now off
19:49:42: 0: byte mode not supported 0x00
19:49:42: 0: reset/atr error
19:49:42: COM2: set serial options: 9600,8n2
19:49:42: 0: reseting card (sermode 8n2)
19:49:42: COM2: toggle RTS, now on
19:49:42: COM2: toggle RTS, now off
19:49:43: 0: byte mode not supported 0x00
19:49:43: 0: reset/atr error
19:49:43: 0: can't initialise new card, ignoring port until card reinserted
19:49:58: Ch: 1125 - Discovery (ita)
19:49:58: Could not attach this channel to a cardclient or a smartcard...