Ciao ragazzi, vi posto il testo della song.
Chi volesse modificare, cambiare o riscrivere il contenuto si ritenga libero di fare ciò che vuole.
Scaistar two, scaistar two.
When the People play
with a bit and byte,
you can scan again your satellite.
And the keys updated
from the new best site,
you can see again your satellite.
Video, Radio, Radio, Video,
Satellite, Satellite, Satellite.
Video, Radio, Radio, Video,
Satellite, Satellite, Satellite.
We believe in People
watching with their eyes,
we can get all light from all the skyes.
In the mornig children
can see light of S*k*y,
in the night you stop it: never light !!
Video, Radio, Radio, Video,
Satellite, Satellite, Satellite.
Video, Radio, Radio, Video,
Satellite, Satellite, Satellite.
Scaistar two, scaistar two........