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MessaggioInviato: mar giu 15, 2004 1:34 pm
da nessuno
salve ragazzi, volevo fare una proposta per i più esperti, a me che non lo sono mi sembrerebbe utile mettere magari un glossario, magari pdf o cmq sia,su tutti i termini del satellite.
Credo che a molti risulterebbe utile per capire meglio il funzionamento di questi sistemi, perchè alla fine la cosa più interessante almeno secondo me è capire. 8)
insomma capite cosa intendo vero :D

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 15, 2004 1:52 pm
da scaistar
E' una buona idea.
Ce ne sono vari sul web.. però magari .. ne aggiungiamo uno anche noi.
C'è qualche volontario che vuole contribuire?

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 15, 2004 2:52 pm
da Eri
The material here is not a manual. At it is presumed that you
are already running a DVB-S viewing software successfully.
The contents below are in the nature of a reference material,
meant to give the reader an EARLY insight into various concepts.

Plugins are .DLL files, capable of interacting with main DVB viewing software
to add new features to such viewers. Mostly these plugins are placed in the
folder/directory of the main program itself. The most used plugins are:

MDFaust for finding new nagravision keys
Droid DLL auto-updating viaccess keys
SymCI for auto-updating viaccess keys
EPG viewer For better On-Screen display and management of "Electronic Program Guide"
MDAC3OUT Decoding-Plugin for AC3 Signal (Dolby Sound)

(Not to be confused with SoftCam.key, which is a text file, containing decrypting keys for encrypted channels)

These are .DLL plugins which emulate a CAM Module by interacting with the main program to automatically
select the right decrypting key for a channel from "SoftCam.Key".
The best performing softcams are:
Soft CI

This is a text file, which emulates a smart card and contains a list of alpha-numeric character as under:

I 10 02 0A8DBAFDDAC5F432
I 10 04 9F9D58716421FA44
N 7001 00 1EADE7E91951E45C
N 7001 01 80E614AF86B63BDE
S 0029 0E FAFFB7C1E2375089
S 002E 0C 94C787B88996541F
V 000C00 09 68CAFDE2A533FDD9
V 000C00 0A 927ECDC4AADDBB20

The first letter signify the encryption system ( Irdeto, Nagravision, Seca, also known as "Mediaguard" and Viaccess).
All these encryption systems(except Nagravision) have version 2 also, which is not decrypted so far.
Besides, many other encryptions such as Eurocrypt, CryptoWorks, PowerVU etc. are also not hacked yet.
The next collection of characters (2 - 6 characters) give us the provider's ID. Like 7001 is for PolSat Cyfrowy and 0029 is for Canal+.
After that two characters are known as INDEX of the concerned key, and finally 16-character long is the decrypting key.
These keys have got to be updated - some once in a month and some even daily.

The updation of keys is done either through various sites on internet for this purpose,
or some of the above mentioned plugins auto-update Viaccess & Nagravision keys.
HMK Hex-Master-Key
Key Program-Key (in crypted form, together with a date)
MK Master-Key (in crypted form)
PK Plainkey (Program-Key in decrypted form)
PMK Plain-Masterkey (MasterKey in decrypted form)
Pr-ID Provider-ID

SID Service ID
TID Transponder ID
PID Packet Identifier

Program Map Tables. The tables in PAT that point to video, audio, and data content of a transport stream.
Electronic Control Message. ECM's are sent as packets,called a Control Word (CW)
and it contains coded keys, ID's etc. needed to decode the signal. In other words,
the ECM identifies the service and the conditions that have to be met in order to
use that service.Providers will also use fake ECM's to disable pirate cards
(That is why ECM is also translated as Electronic Counter Measure).
Entitlement Management Messages. EMM sent together with the ECM contain information
about the subscriber and the status of the subscription and also carry new keys, or modify or delete existing keys.
Pulse Code Modulation. A technical term for an analog source waveform, for example, audio or video signals,
expressed as periodic, numerical samples. PCM is an uncompressed digital signal.

Program Clock Reference. The sample of the encoder clock count that is sent in the program header
to synchronize the decoder clock. PCRI - Interpolated Program Clock Reference.
A PCR estimated from a previous PCR and used to measure jitter.

Network Information Table. Information in one trans-port stream that describes many transport streams.

A modulated signal on a carrier delivers a number of coded symbols per second, each of which
supply a number of databits. The Symbol Rate is, thus, the rate at which information is transferred

Forward Error Correction for improving the robustness of data transmission.
Commercial use of transponders makes 3/4 the code rate most used ,
which means that three out of four bits contain useable information.

Electronic Programme Guide. An on-screen guide which provides details of current and
future programmes and which helps guide the user to the programme of choice.

Subscriber Authorisation System. The SAS is responsible for generating the actual
entitlement messages, following the specifications of the encryption standard used.

Program Association Table. Data appearing in packets having PID code of zero that the MPEG
decoder uses to determine which programs exist in a Transport Stream. PAT points to PMT,
which, in turn, points to the video, audio, and data content of each program.

per chi capisce l'inglese :P

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