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MyTheatre v3.19.RC3

Software per TV e Radio satellitare. (ENG) A pagamento

Moderatore: raskino

MyTheatre v3.19.RC3

Messaggioda nimig » sab set 04, 2004 5:49 pm

03 Sep 2004 - MyTheatre v3.19.RC3
- NEW: Display Teletext Subtitles in generic renderer mode.
- NEW: ability capture RAW stream by plugins. New example - plugin
- NEW: ability to capture date from output Audio/Video pins by plugins.
- NEW: added support for Tongshi cards.
- NEW: added support for FireSat cards.
- NEW: added support for Hansern cards.
- NEW: added support for V-Stream cards.
- NEW: list of command-line options (Menu: Help->Command-Line
- additional checks and fixes in EPG parser.
- fixes in DVD playback.
- now compatible with non-Admin users.
- UPD: better handling one-band converters. (where only one LOF or
LOF1=LOF2 specified)
- FIX: Subtitles sometimes was skipped.
- FIX: some fixes in interface, more translatable things.
- FIX: access violations in LNB setting when there are no satellites in list.
additional notifications while importing INI files.
- in hope this will be final version before stable release.
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Messaggi: 5
Iscritto il: dom ago 15, 2004 2:57 pm

MyTheatre v3.19.RC3



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