da Doraemon » mer mar 25, 2009 2:40 pm
Ecco il log di ACamd:
15:32:07: cardclients: registering cardclient Camd35
15:32:08: systems: registering CA system Cardclient, pri -15, ident 1000
15:32:08: structloaders: registering loader cardclient config
15:32:08: cardclients: registering cardclient EmuBox03
15:32:08: cardclients: registering cardclient Gbox
15:32:08: cardclients: registering cardclient GboxN
15:32:08: cardclients: registering cardclient MboxN
15:32:08: cardclients: registering cardclient Newcamd
15:32:08: cardclients: registering cardclient Radegast
15:32:08: systems: registering CA system SC-Irdeto, pri -10, ident 1001
15:32:08: feature: using feature SMARTCARD
15:32:08: registering Irdeto smartcard (id 497264xx)
15:32:08: systems: registering CA system SC-Seca, pri -10, ident 1002
15:32:08: registering Seca smartcard (id 536563xx)
15:32:09: systems: registering CA system SC-Viaccess, pri -10, ident 1003
15:32:09: registering Viaccess smartcard (id 566961xx)
15:32:09: systems: registering CA system SC-Conax, pri -10, ident 1004
15:32:09: registering Conax smartcard (id 436f6ex)
15:32:09: systems: registering CA system SC-Cryptoworks, pri -10, ident 1005
15:32:09: registering Cryptoworks smartcard (id 437257xx)
15:32:09: systems: registering CA system SC-Nagra, pri -10, ident 1006
15:32:09: registering Nagra smartcard (id 4e6167xx)
15:32:09: systems: registering CA system SC-VideoGuard2, pri -10, ident 1007
15:32:09: registering VideoGuard2 smartcard (id 56694xxx)
15:32:09: ACamd v0.6.0.2
15:32:09: structloaders: registering loader keys
15:32:09: structloaders: registering loader smartcard data
15:32:09: Engine DVB Viewer Pro
15:32:09: loading smartcard data from C:\Programmi\DVBViewer 4.0\Plugins\smartcard.conf
15:32:09: loaded 2 smartcard data from C:\Programmi\DVBViewer 4.0\Plugins\smartcard.conf
15:32:09: loading cardclient config from C:\Programmi\DVBViewer 4.0\Plugins\cardclient.conf
15:32:09: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
15:32:09: hostname= port=44635 emm=1 emmCaids 093b/ffff
15:32:09: Newcamd: username=xxxxxxxxx password=xxxxxxxxxxxx key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
15:32:09: netwatch up
15:32:11: Netwatcher thread started (tid=43766584)
15:32:11: connecting to (
15:32:11: socket: connect failed: No error
15:32:11: netwatch down
15:32:11: init of cardclient 'newcamd' failed
15:32:11: file C:\Programmi\DVBViewer 4.0\Plugins\cardclient.conf has error in line #37
15:32:11: ** registered systems:
15:32:11: ** SC-VideoGuard2 (pri -10)
15:32:11: ** SC-Nagra (pri -10)
15:32:11: ** SC-Cryptoworks (pri -10)
15:32:11: ** SC-Conax (pri -10)
15:32:11: ** SC-Viaccess (pri -10)
15:32:11: ** SC-Seca (pri -10)
15:32:11: ** SC-Irdeto (pri -10)
15:32:11: ** Cardclient (pri -15)
15:32:11: no smartcard interface defined!
15:32:11: Ch: 1108 - SKY Sport 1 (ita)
15:32:11: Programm crc: 33B3Cxxx
15:32:11: Add Filter:0 Pid:0454
15:32:11: Incomming PackageSize [188]
15:32:11: Delete Filter:0 Pid:0454
15:32:11: Add Filter:0 Pid:0001
15:32:11: Delete Filter:0 Pid:0001
15:32:11: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=0454 (AND SID=2AA8)
15:32:11: Auto search...
15:32:11: Could not attach this channel to a cardclient or a smartcard...
15:32:11: Default ECM 0000
15:32:11: 0x0454 0x2AA8 0x0919 0x00000000 0x0650 0x012D 1111110
15:32:11: Add Filter:0 Pid:0650
15:32:11: Add Filter:1 Pid:06B4
Nel log (riga sottolineata) viene riportato un errore nella riga 37 del file cardclient.config che è quella relativa al server, ma, ripeto è lo stesso file che in altri dvb software funziona. In tutti i software dvb che ho testato (DvbDream, Altdvb) la cam non parte se non imposto manualmente l'Ecm 093B, ma qui non vedo come fare. Come si fa a risolvere il problema? Ciao